
Sulutionsn Security is a proprietary blend of essential oils selected for vasodilation, antioxidant and nutraceutical properties that has shown increased water intake, increased frequency of meals and reduced digestive upsets. Research has shown improved conception rates, milk production and health and consistent feed intake in cattle. Feed Suthers Solutions Security during times of environmental stress (cold or heat), during breeding, weaning and in receiving rations to increase blood flow and stimulate feed intake. Suthers Solutions Security is available in meal form and can be added to custom mineral formulas or fed through micro machines or top dressed to complete feeds.
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Security EF
Sulutionsn Security EF is a combination product containing binders, probiotics, and essential oils designed to counteract the effects of fescue toxicosis in beef cattle such as, fescue foot, rough hair coat, standing in ponds, standing in shade, and low conception rates. Research has shown positive results in as little as 15 days of feeding Suthers Solutions Security EF.
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Sulutionsn Palisade is a heat-stable probiotic consisting of a combination of Bacillus licheniformis Bacillus subtilis and a proprietary blend of essential oils. These strains of bacteria have been shown to directly influence nutrient digestibility and decrease the burden of pathogens, as well as survive high temperatures and other harsh conditions during feed processing and within the gastrointestinal tract. The blend of essential oil blend was developed to compliment the action of the probiotic strains.
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Sulutionsn 20G is a proprietary blend of concentrated Garlic Extracts and other Allium compounds specifically formulated to enhance the flavor of animal feed while acting as an insect repelling agent. These blends have been developed for the feed Industry, featuring a consistent particle size that flows effectively in feed manufacturing.
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Sulutionsn Caliber6 is a proprietary blend of Tannins, Saponins and Essential Oils developed to take advantage of the natural defense mechanisms plants. Caliber6 serves as a natural growth promoter while also improving nutrient utilization. Rumen bacterial populations are shifted to more desirable species by Caliber6. Protein and starch are bound by rumen insoluble bonds that are degraded in the abomasum allowing for more bypass protein and starch. These modes of action improve nutrient utilization.
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Sulutionsn Caliber3 is a blend of tannins, saponins and EO designed for small ruminants. Caliber3 serves as a natural growth promoter while also improving nutrient utilization. Rumen bacterial populations are shifted to more desirable species by Caliber3. Protein and starch are bound by rumen insoluble bonds that are degraded in the abomasum allowing for more bypass protein and starch. These modes of action improve nutrient utilization. A recent field study showed a 50-percentage unit decrease in stomach worms in meat goats supplemented with Caliber3 compared to those on a non-additive control diet. Previously reported research has documented that tannins impact intestinal parasites and essential oil blends impact stomach parasites (Butter et al. 2001; Katiki et al., 2017). The lower feeding rate (3 g) was designed for the smaller intakes of small ruminants.
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